Some buildings with fire damage.

The Red Guide-Native Edition eBook

Critical Information at Your Fingertips

The Red Guide eBook

Survivors of a disaster have hundreds of immediate and critical decisions to make. The outcome of these decisions can lead to peace, or more disaster.The Red Guide eBook – Native Edition is an invaluable tool to help guide you, provide vital resources, and save you time, money and stress.

The Red Guide to Recovery Native Edition eBook

Red Guide to Recovery - Native EditionGet it today at: Barnes & Noble

The Red Guide to Recovery – Native Edition was created to assist disaster survivors in Tribal communities by making available a single source of pertinent, easy to read disaster recovery information that will walk them step-by-step through the recovery process while raising awareness of the many pitfalls that may present themselves in post-disaster scenarios.

Inside the eBook
In addition to a 10-Point Quick Start checklist for the first 24 hours of recovery, the guide includes 15 detailed chapters on these topics:

  • Displacement and relocation tips
  • Disaster relief and financial assistance
  • Homeowners insurance issues after a loss
  • Safety and precautions after a disaster
  • Avoiding disaster scams
  • Risk management for tribal governments
  • And much more…

Reviews for The Red Guide

“With this resource you can literally have the most important life saving guide since CPR.”
– Timmy

Companion Tools

In addition to The Red Guide to Recovery eBook, or Mobile App, you have access to all the FREE tools on this companion website.